Liquid Matrix Mixing More with Outer Field Energy Bursts

my sticky web slowly over this millenial time – tries to conspire, inspire, reignite, long lost infinite fires, word here, a like there, a poke all around the interglobe. we become more intertwined, more refined, similar, so similar but, in an all encompassing orgiastic socialistic spiritual reunion, finally…we’ve waited long for this and no fat cat republicans gonna drag us down! Persons without recognizable names! MITT, NEWT, HERMAN, RAND…these are surely mars invaders! some reptilian stronghold exisiting thousands of years away from us..but somehow these slimy, green bucked reptilian shills, shape shifting debauchery, fallen gods of puny planets. Look at the Newt alone! this man exhumes a kind of soul sucking inner vision, that prevents his eyes to every fully open, these slimy little impetuous sliver eyes, gawking and sneering at how far us “humans” have made it. as he remembers that slowling the natural evolutionary progression, is his only mortal task.

yes and barack obama, not so sure of his orgin, but he at least seems for progression, upward mobility. embracing all the wide shades of white and black and brown that serve to pull us in rather than creating more seperatist business mogules, that really only wish to invade other planets for mining resources, to bring back to earth to become richer, fatter in ego and grandiose whiteness!

this is all that visions seems to be relaying now. george harrison was this kind of mega man, street fighter, a spiritual street fighter, using his cookie cutter, apple endorsed and produced, slick pop records, to become fully accessible. then george, cunningly, all along plotting this spiritual masquerade to fill stadiums, raise millions for bangladesh within a few nights…a magic man, a transcended krist-krishna being. this is why we stay alive…who may present themselves as this next guru savior?

will it take us to get well into our 70s before we are able to look back and recognize, just who was on our own generations teamlife? im no longer interested in what my fingers have to say, it’s more so that the energy swirls percolating around my scally, almost reptilian encrusted digits. its accessing this mysteriously, syrupy flow of psychical energy. its accessing it and then translating it through metaphor, and not tired, hackneyed metaphor. jump off your page energistic. went into church tonight, on a complete whim. was out walking the town and saw that the lot to the local catholic church was well full, then it dawned on methat it was 6 pm on saturday, the 2nd mass of the day. so i hesitated, would it make me too paranoid, uneasy? then my adventursome side surely kicked in and pushed me through the doors. people in front of me having no clue i was physically there, surely viewing my heathenly energy as something repellent and distasteful, giving me official ghost status. alrighty then.

surely it all read like a pathetic fairly tale. repetitive fairly tale lessons for “grown” adults, well maybe they’re just not that grown. maybe my generation was forced to grow up faster and thus avoiding the waste of time that religion would be to our own souls. maybe time is so long and it takes a vast number of generations to attend church regularly, as they would need these moral lessons in order that they not really be so reactive to their neighbors, so violent, so chauvanistic. but as our generation has really sprung up in this new social network, all accessible information age, we’ve had to grow at a quicker rate…avoiding the fairy tales, taking on this aquarius, scientist first, emotional energy later. maybe this is where we’re at now, maybe i’m just within my own reality right now, using others to mirror my micro-ness on a more macro-matrix.

All hail Terence Mckenna for leading the way

A positive article in the NYtimes about psilocybin and its possible benefits for those suffering from deep depression and other psychological ailments. A somewhat unexpected article on the long “tabooed” fungi species. It doesn’t surprise me that it shows up as one of the most emailed articles on the site.

I believe it’s all leading up to a sort of medical revolution, where we collectively start to move away from big Pharma (mostly for the cost) but consider tried and true remedies that have only been held back by Big Media. Well, now that a complete fragmentation of opinion and thought is occurring through the web, the objective truth about these “mystical realities” can be further revealed.

“Are you experienced? Have you ever been experienced?”